Thank you can I take a look I mean yeah kind of want to can you stand here for me the what there's two movies yeah there's people in the cab there's a yeah what's going on mother truckers uh this video is made right here just to show you the realness of the world and what people are trying to trick truck drivers to do because we're all here trying to make a living just to provide for our family and you know right now the times are extremely hard so people are doing what they can to make extra money for Christmas and just to survive another year and you know I get an email showing a dash cam from a Texas DPS that they do a traffic stop to do an inspection on the truck driver and you know who knows if it was intentional or not but it seems to be a random check and from this they asked the truck driver uh if there's anyone in the cab and they say no yes sir there's no one in the cab no there's nobody in the cab for sure okay and pretty much at that point when the DPS was about to go into the cab the truck driver came clean and said hey look you know um uh transporting 18 people and you know uh from the email I got the truck driver stated that uh they were going to get paid a hundred thousand dollars can I take a look yeah kind of want to can you stand here for me the what dad there's people in the cab there's a system amazing mother truckers there is nothing in this world that's going to get you easy money like a hundred thousand dollars...
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How to prepare TX CR-2 2017-2025
About TX CR-2 2015-2025
TX CR-2 2015-2025 is a specific type of form used in the state of Texas for motor vehicle accident reporting. The form is typically used by law enforcement officers and individuals involved in a car accident to provide comprehensive information about the incident. This form includes essential details such as the date, time, and location of the accident, parties involved, witness information, insurance details, and a narrative description of the incident. It also requires information about any injuries sustained, vehicle damages, and any citations issued. TX CR-2 2015-2025 is needed by various parties involved in a motor vehicle accident, including: 1. Drivers involved in the accident: It is crucial for drivers to accurately complete this form to document the incident and provide necessary information for insurance claims and legal purposes. 2. Law enforcement officers: When responding to a car accident, police officers use the CR-2 form to report and document the incident. This information helps with subsequent investigations and legal proceedings. 3. Insurance companies: The form is often requested by insurance companies to evaluate and process accident claims. It provides detailed information for claims adjusters to assess liability, coverage, and compensation. 4. Attorneys and legal professionals: Lawyers representing accident victims or those facing potential liability may need access to CR-2 forms to gather evidence, build a case, or negotiate settlements. 5. State authorities and transportation departments: The data collected through TX CR-2 forms helps authorities identify accident trends, analyze road safety, and implement measures to prevent future accidents. Overall, TX CR-2 2015-2025 is a vital form used to document car accidents and serves as an important record for individuals, law enforcement, insurance companies, and legal professionals who deal with motor vehicle accidents in the state of Texas.
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Carefully revise the data of your form as well as grammar and spelling.
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