P>It's a routine traffic stop that is about to go very wrong. This matters in my arms, oh my god please. The incident in Houston began with 28-year-old social worker Arica White being pulled over by a cop for allegedly crossing a solid traffic line. She says she got out of the car because her license was in her purse in the trunk. The police officer orders her to get back in. She says that after so many deadly confrontations between police officers and African-Americans in recent months, she was terrified. He got out of the car with handcuffs out, using very vulgar language. "I didn't feel safe, that's why I called 911. That's right, that's her on the phone with 911, officers to come out here. My heart is racing, I'm really afraid," she says. What you cannot hear in the background from the 911 call is him yelling and screaming at me to hang up the phone. "I'm calling to report harassment by police officers." Then he moves in and tries to handcuff her. The officers struggled to overpower the woman. When he finally subdued her, she was charged with resisting arrest. She spent two days in jail, a horrible experience. "I wouldn't even wish a criminal to go through what I went through honestly." A lot of people are comparing this to the Sandra Bland case. She's the woman who was pulled over in Texas in 2015 for a minor traffic infraction, which escalated into a nasty confrontation. Three days later, Sandra Bland hanged herself in a jail cell. The police officer in El Draco White's case has been cleared of any wrongdoing. It's important that we all think respect first and obey the officers. When you're given a directive or order to stay in the car,...
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Texas peace officer's Crash Report instructions 2017-2025 Form: What You Should Know
This report is used for CMV investigations. Refer to the E = No manual transmission equipped CMV. Duty to Report Crash — Texas Code of State Regulations (TTA) Section 46.0935(b) This section provides guidance for responding to crashes involving law enforcement officers. These regulations must be followed even if the officer was not at fault. The Texas Peace Officer's Crash Report Form (CR-3CS) can be used to report all reportable crashes occurring on or after January 1, 2015. The CR-3CS (Form CR-3CS-1) is for reports involving the driver/operator of a CMV (commercial motor vehicle or Texas peace officer's vehicle). If you have additional questions about crashes or accidents that occurred in 2016, please visit.  Thank you for understanding the requirements for using forms in reporting crashes. We appreciate your interest in law enforcement safety and believe it is important to take reasonable action to keep our communities and highways safe.
Online solutions help you to manage your record administration along with raise the efficiency of the workflows. Stick to the fast guide to do TX CR-2 2015-2025, steer clear of blunders along with furnish it in a timely manner:
How to complete any TX CR-2 2015-2025 online: - On the site with all the document, click on Begin immediately along with complete for the editor.
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PDF editor permits you to help make changes to your TX CR-2 2015-2025 from the internet connected gadget, personalize it based on your requirements, indicator this in electronic format and also disperse differently.
Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Texas peace officer's Crash Report instructions 2017-2025